domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2009


Welcome To Bintan, Indonesia!!!

In this Post, we'll show a little trip to the island of Bintan, Indonesia.

This trip was shared by a group of friends who boarded in Singapore for a trip of 5 days in the beautiful Island!

They took a trip by boat, fast and economical: From Singapore to the island of Bintan is only 50 minutes traveling by ferry.

Bintan is the largest island in the Riau province, area 1.140 sq. km, with a coastline of about 105 km.

It is truly an unique paradise:
Simple life, beautiful beach, friendly people which bring us the leisure.

The island gives the refreshment to our mind and body.

The island has a population of about 200.000, and like the rest of Riau this is a true mix of cultures like Malay, Bugis, Chinese and the Orang Laut (sea people).

In Bintan island, most of the resorts accept Singapore Dollars (SGD) & US Dollars (USD).

However if you plan to take a trip to Tanjung Pinang city, all the transactions are in Indonesia Rupiah (IDR) so you're required to exchange your currency to Indonesia Rupiah when you plan to visit Tanjung Pinang city

Above, the Resort Nirwana Gardens, where the group "has made the party"!

Below, views of the ferry in the port of Singapore, where they began the trip...

Tanjung Pinang, Kijang, Kawal, Trikora Beach, Senggarang, Tanjung Uban and Lagoi / Bintan Resort sites, are places that should not missed when you are in Bintan.

------------------------------------ THE END ------------------------------------

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009

Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - Paraty (Parte III)

De volta a Paraty, agora faremos um passeio de barco por algumas ilhas e praias.
Este passeio dura um pouco mais de 4 horas.
Saindo do cais de Paraty, passamos por 4 ilhas e três praias.

No cais de Paraty, você encontra inúmeros barcos, de todos os tamanhos e com capacidades diversas para sua escolha.
Dá pra ir em barcos para uma pessoa ou até grupos de 100 pessoas ou mais. Tem barco pra todos os gostos. Vá lá no cais, dê uma olhada!
Então, vamos lá.
Acabamos de sair do cais de Paraty...
Começamos a avistar as primeiras ilhas.
Abaixo, Ilha Kontiki, com Pousada e Restaurante.
Abaixo, Ilha Rasa. Não paramos nesta ilha.
A Ilha a Seguir é a Ilha dos Cachorros.
Estamos chegando à Praia Vermelha...
Vamos desembarcar aqui pra dar uma olhadela na praia.
Nesta praia, o barco faz uma parada de 30 minutos. É a unica praia do percurso que conta com restaurante e lanchonete. Quem não quiser almoçar no barco, poderá almoçar aqui.
A foto seguinde é da praia Jurumirim, que, na lingua indígena, significa "Boca Pequena".
Segundo o Guia que nos acompanhou no passeio de barco, esta ilha é de propriedade do navegador Amir Klink.
Aqui é possível observar tartarugas marinhas.
Abaixo está a Ilha Comprida, que segundo consta, é de propriedade do Sr. Nagi Nahas.
Este ponto do passeio é considerado um "aquário natural"
Aqui podemos fotografar algumas espécies marinhas, como o peixe "Sargentinho" ou "Tiuna", "Estrelas do Mar", etc.

Veja a estrela do mar (viva), acima e, ao lado, um sem número de peixinhos sob a água verde, transparente.

Veja outro tipo de estrela-do-mar pequena na mão do mergulhador.

(Não é filhote, é outra espécie mesmo.)

Esta é a Ilha do Mantimento, assim chamada porque os Portugueses a utilizavam para desembarque de cargas de navios, destinadas a Paraty. Daqui, pequenas embarcações transportavam os mantimentos até a cidade.

Vamos embora, pois tem muito chão, ou melhor, muita água pra percorrer.
Olha o marzão azul aí!
Abraços e até breve.

----------------------------------- THE END -----------------------------------

segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008

BRASIL - Rio de Janeiro - Paraty (Part II)

Upon request, I am publishing more photos of Paraty!

Above, shops in the Historical Center
Below, Hostels located next to the river

Shops in the Historical Center

Restaurants in the Historic Center

Details of houses the Historic Center

Night view of the Historical Center of Paraty
Details of shops in the center of the city.

Camping de Paraty, in front of the beach of the Pontal.
Note that the picture was taken from inside the camping.

Beach of the Pontal, near the city center (2 km).
Restaurant and Hotel in the historic city center

Night view of the Church of "N.S. dos Remédios", patroness of Paraty city.

Some important dates in the history of Paraty:

1945 - The core city of Paraty is decreed "Historical Monument of the State of Rio de Janeiro."

1958 - Toppling of the Joint Architectural and Landscape of the City of Paraty by IPHAN.

1966 - The whole landscape of the entire municipality of Paraty and, especially, the city's architectural collection is raised to the category of National Historic Monument.

1974 - Toppling the municipality of Paraty, which means the recognition, by the Office of the toppling, of the important natural, cultural and historical of the municipality.

The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil considers five Brazilian Natural Systems as Brazilian Natural Heritage; three of them are in areas of the municipality of Paraty: the "Floresta Atlântica" (Atlantic Forest), the "Mountain of the Sea" and the "Zona Costeira" (Coastal Zone).

------------------------------------- THE END -------------------------------------

domingo, 21 de dezembro de 2008

Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - Paraty

Welcome to PARATY !!!

Paraty is a small Brazilian
town, with a population of about 35,000 inhabitants, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, 261 km distant from the capital of the state.

The city is waiting to receive of the UNESCO the title of the Cultural Heritage of Humanity,
to be announced in mid-2009, in the annual meeting of UNESCO in Seville.

The Historical Center of Paraty has more than 400 Colonial-style buildings, many built about 340 years.
The city is celebrating 341 years of age in the next month of February.

The calendar of festivals in the city is very diverse and very appreciated by tourists from around the world.

Set a quick trip to Paraty!

Those who travel to Paraty, passing several hours strolling in the Historical Center, looking at the old building, simple and beautiful.

It is a safe and pleasant journey...

The most of them have already been converted into commercial houses, which carries tourists from around the world.

You'll find shop, bar and restaurant on every corner ...

The Historic Center of Paraty is a tranquil and pleasant place for walks, has good shops for clothes and gifts in general, and is much visited by tourists nationals and foreign.

You will also find the most varied types of handicrafts.

We will return with more pictures and details of Paraty city!

----------------------------------- THE END -----------------------------------